
Mercer “Brighter”.

Mercer had recently undergone a repositioning, reshaping and re-energizing of their brand, not only in terms of look and feel, but also in terms of what Mercer means, how they perceive themselves, how they want to be perceived by the world, and what value they deliver to their clients.

Our objective was to introduce the new brand to the external market, embed the new brand voice within their communication, and initiate a new dialogue with their audience using their new line ‘Welcome to Brighter’.

The challenge While Mercer is an established and trustworthy firm in the consultancy space, there is still a general perception of consultancy businesses being boring. Being considered boring, and due to the intangibility of the products and services, Mercer’s audience can be difficult to reach and engage with. Therefore, our challenge was how do we first find the right audience and change their perception about us?

Our response To overcome the challenge, we came up with an idea to create a video that brings the Mercer team together and showcases their collaboration in a different light. The team came in without prior knowledge of what we were about to ask them, and in doing so we captured their raw and unfiltered reactions to the task. In the end, we used some of these reactions to create a cheeky teaser where we asked our audience what the initial question was.

The results The video successfully showed Mercer and its employees as more than boring consultants in suits. We brought out each individual’s true character, we allowed them to step out of their comfort zones and show the world who they really are: brighter individuals shaping a new world.

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